Sunday, October 12, 2008

So here's what I've been up to in this 2.0 training:
Week 1: watched Stephen Fry's web 2.0 video
Week 2: Started up this blog and played with Technorati
Week 3: Played with Flickr, uploaded some photos and looked at LOTS of library photos
Week 4: I already had a Bloglines account, so that was easy. But it was fun to look at all of those library sites. I've added a few more to my feeds. Library Gamer, Pop Goes the Library and Free Range Librarian are just a I love the internet!
Week 5: Played with wikis and added my 2 cents to the NSW learning 2.0 wiki. I also love the next gen catalogs. what amazing ideas!
Week 6: Added that really fun YouTube video. I think there are some possibilities using online videos for libraries to get more involved. We already stream some of our author evenings on our web site. But what if we did the same for story times, or HSC talks, or even local studies interviews. Lots and lots of possibilities.
Week 7: I've been using tagging for a while now (a joined a ages ago) but it's interesting to see how libraries are using tagging. I guess it's kind of like subject headings but without any parameters. There will always be a space for subject headings, just so search can be easier and more uniform. But what's to say the two can't be melded? What if library users could add tags to entries after they are cataloged? We might just learn a thing or two. And with Technorati, it was interesting to see how many different types of blogs are out there. What's hot and what's not. The whole blogoshpere changes so quickly
Oh, and Library Thing! How could I forget Library Thing. I swear, we in the industry need to keep an eye on this place. It is what people will be expecting from us very soon. Easy, fun, always expanding, quick. What more can you ask for?
Week 8: Social searching and answer boards are interesting. I love the answer boards. So many people out there with such great information. I might just have to get some assistance on how to kill the weeds in my front garden.... And I tend to lean towards the recipe web sites where people can rate each recipe, I guess we all want to give and get feedback don't we?
Week 9: I just did week 9. Podcasting has such interesting applications. I wonder what the copyright issues will be in the future with all of that. It will be interesting to watch.
Week 10: I had no idea how many mashups there were out there. I knew about Google maps and some of the Flickr stuff. But man, I really need to spend some more time exploring all of those. There are some crazy applications out there
Week 11: I just blogged about hot Google docs could be useful in my work place.
Week 12: Here we are! I had a look at the international social network map and must say i don't agree with the findings. My friends and I are all over Facebook and it doesn't even rate on that map. Social networking services are great ways for not just people to connect but businesses and community groups to keep customers and 'fans' informed. What great marketing tools! I might just have to start one for my upcoming teen summer reading program. hmm......

Wow, that's a LOT of info.
Admittedly, I use the internet a lot. So much of the information I knew. But I enjoyed filling in the gaps of my knowledge and finding out how other libraries are using all of these changing technologies.



Bookings sheet

I've had a look over at Google Docs and I can see a few applications for it.
We have a bookings sheet for internet time and I was thinking if we had the bookings sheet available from all workstations in the library we wouldn't need to ring down to the reference desk to book someone in.
I might just have to suggest it.


podcasting questions

I've gone back to cover the podcasting section of the web 2.0 training and its funny it should come up now.
I've been thinking for a while that it might be fun to interview YA authors and podcast the results. It might even been fun to get young people to blog questions to ask the author....hmm...wonder if anyone might be up for hard is it to do something like this over the many questions....


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Calendar Mashup

I made this calendar last year using the Flickr toy calendar creator.

It was so popular I made some for family and friends! I added in some quotes that I find inspirational at the bottom of each page.
So I've been over at the Yahoo & answer board. Man, I could spend all day there! I've answered a couple of RA questions. Recommending books for people is always fun. I even gave a plug for library use (of course!). Problem is that in the time I spend looking up an answer someone else posts something I just posed, lol! Guess I'll have to type faster.

I might go over to the gardening section and see if anyone can help me with some serious weed management. And I need to go back and change my user name, I think it's 'ab' at the moment.

I had a look 'slam the boards' site and was a little put off this response discussing non librarians participating. Technically I'm a 'library officer' and by his limited definition would not be welcome to take part. But I guess that's only one person's opinion. Looks like the next one is on the 10th of October. Maybe I'll do my own slamming!!!!
Watch this space


Thursday, October 2, 2008

I can't believe I didn't have a Library Thing account!
I really thought I'd signed up ages ago. Lord knows that Iv'e used it a million times to look up books and find read-a-likes. But I just hadn't signed up.
I have limited time at the moment (I'm on the ref desk and have to do this between customers) but I'll go though my bookshelf later and add lots more.

I really like the connections. It's fun to look through someone else's bookshelf. And the tag cloud is a great way to get an overview of someone's taste.

But why is it that most of my connections are 12 year olds....oh, wait...I read a lot of YA fiction...that would explain it


mmm, delicious

Boy, I haven't thought about del.icio.ous for a are some things I've bookmarked:


Saturday, September 27, 2008

funny because its true

Friday, September 19, 2008

captn amy

captn amy
Originally uploaded by Rob Barker

Happy International Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Here's more info


Monday, September 15, 2008


I've created this blog because I am involved with the NSW Public Libraries 2.0 online learning program.
Over the next few weeks I'll be blogging my progress as I explore many aspects of the internet (most of which I have seen I will admit, but I'm hoping to fill in some gaps and maybe pick up some tricks) I'm pretty familiar with blogging, flickr, Wikipedia and RSS feeds. But I'm pretty new to mashups and podcasting. So we will see how we go.

So, why Pirates In The Library, you ask?
Well, I thought this blog should be library related and I'm kind of obsessed with pirates. This Friday is International Talk Like A Pirate Day, and here in Sydney we are going on our annual pub crawl on Saturday....all day Saturday...If you are coming along, I'll be the one in the tricorn. So I thought it only fitting that I go for the pirate theme.

more later


Friday, September 12, 2008